
Showing posts from 2017

Xamarin - Best Cross Platform Mobile App Development Solution

Xamarin Best Cross Platform Mobile App Development Solution from Ramin mohmaad hoseini

Google Firebase - Easy Steps To Run Your Chrome Notification Service

FCM is a new version of Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) offering many great services called Notification , Authenticatin , Database , Storage , Hosting  etc. Click Here To See Pricing And Features If you want to add a push notification service , here we go through the necessary and easy steps to run  your Notification project via your FCM account . As google chrome is the most popular browser and it can run background services for push notifications - both for mobile and desktop - we are going to add the prerequired features to add a notification service to our website . 1.Create your FCM project First you to create your project in FCM console ( ) and go to the next step . 2. Add Chrome Manifest to your project The first step is to add your website chrome configuration to a json file mostly is named manifest.json . you can take a look at this website ( ) as a sample website using manifest.json and service workers...

How To Run Xamarin Forms Previewer Beta On Windows

This post is only about running Xamarin Forms Previewer "Beta version" If you have recently installed this tool and have problem running this properly on your VS, you need to keep reading this short post . So here is a step by step running this awesome tool. You just need to consider to install or upgrade some sdk versions So i also had your problem running this tool and now here is my configurations and this is now working on my VS PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO INSTALL 64BIT OF JDK so after upgrading these SDKs and NDK you need to make sure your that you have installed android 7.0 and have upgraded you Android SDK Tools, so open your Android SDK Manager and install make sure you have installed these two things in the image below : After upgrading your SDK manger , you need to target your android project to Android version 7.0 so this is my android project properties screenshot : Now you need to be able to see your Xamarin.forms previewer tool am also ...

Azure Redis - Part 1

In this article am going to review step by step Redis capabilities and go over some C# libraries to code for an application to be used on Azure Redis Service . So if you want to build an application and looking for  a NoSQL database that supports High performance , Low latency and Fully managed by a cloud service please continue reading this article . Redis is a fast Key-value NoSQL database , ranked #1 among other Key-value databases (  , Redis is an in-memory data structure store, used as database, cache and message broker . Redis is mainly used as a cache database but it can also be used as the primary database as it also supports 'Durability'. Redis Is Awesome - Get Started you can skip this part if you are already familiar with Redis Lets talk about some of the great features of Redis , Redis supports different types of data types such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets with range queries, bitmaps, hyperloglogs and geospatial indexes...

Xamarin Forms , Designer Tools

As you know xamarin provides a great framework called xamrin.forms which is implemented on top of xamarin.ios and and as it uses C# PCL classes so you can produce one app for a wide range of platforms including platforms supported by Microsoft UWP framework. So now we can use Xamarin.forms to produce apps rapidly, and even if we are a bit familiar with Xaml , we can even do this much more faster , but how is it possible to have a live designing platform like WPF designer tool in visual studio to design Xaml views , here we look into the tools we can use as alternatives to VS XAML designer tool . Here are some of the tools we can use : 1. Xamarin Forms Previewer : this great tool is developed by Xamarin , and can be installed by xamarin installer package on a Mac or Windows machine. check out this amazing tool  here if you have problem running this tool take a look at my post here Xamarin Forms Previewer you can preview your design live on a emul...