How To Run Xamarin Forms Previewer Beta On Windows

This post is only about running Xamarin Forms Previewer "Beta version"

If you have recently installed this tool and have problem running this properly on your VS, you need to keep reading this short post .

So here is a step by step running this awesome tool.

You just need to consider to install or upgrade some sdk versions

So i also had your problem running this tool and now here is my configurations and this is now working on my VS


so after upgrading these SDKs and NDK you need to make sure your that you have installed android 7.0 and have upgraded you Android SDK Tools, so open your Android SDK Manager and install make sure you have installed these two things in the image below :

After upgrading your SDK manger , you need to target your android project to Android version 7.0
so this is my android project properties screenshot :

Now you need to be able to see your Xamarin.forms previewer tool
am also using VS2017 and installed Xamarin Beta Version  , the tool in VS is now called  Forms Previewer

after completing all the steps above , take a look at 'how to use' of this tool at xamarin website .

You can also check other Xamarin.forms designer tools here.


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